Updated April 22 2020

Data Security Policy

Version 1.0

We know how important your personal information is, which is why we employ some of the most advanced technology for Internet security available today. When you access our site through HTTPS, sensitive information you send, such as passwords, client information and bank account numbers, are encrypted using the industry standard TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol, commonly called SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), ensuring your data is safe, secure, and available only to authorized users in your organization.

We provide each user with a unique username that can be used to reliably track which user account triggered an action within the software. Each username has a password that is hashed, which prevents anyone from decrypting or recovering the password. In addition, users can log in through Google to prove they own the email address associated with their user account in Flex. When using Google to log in, the user relies on Google’s security to safeguard their credentials.

Beyond the username and password for each user account, for uses who have opted in, we also enforce the use of two-factor authentication, which helps keep each user account secure, even if a password is guessed or compromised.

In addition, we store customer data securely in the cloud utilizing Amazon Web Services (also called AWS) and Microsoft Azure or simply Azure. AWS and Azure are trusted by some of the largest companies and government agencies in the world, and Flex is working with the services provided by AWS and Azure to ensure your data is secure, utilizing advanced data encryption, hardened patched operating systems, firewalls, and world-class physical security help to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the appropriate use of customer data.

Flex understands how sensitive your data is, and that is why we utilize services provided by Amazon and Azure, two of the world leaders in data storage and security. You can rest easy knowing that your company data is safe, encrypted, and protected.

Contact Information

If you have questions about how we handle your personal data, please contact us by phone or email.

Phone number: +234 80 3251 8824
Email: info@flexinfosys.com

Flex Infotech Limited
West Kazipara, Mirpur
Dhaka – 1216, Bangladesh

Phone number:  +975 17 562391

Flex Infotech Limited
Flat #101, 1st Floor, building #79, Above Norphelig Hotel Babesa Expressway, Thimphu, Bhutan

Phone number: +1 604 3519280

Flex Infotech Limited
6617 Hersham Ave Burnaby, BC V5E 3K7 British Columbia, Canada